How Do Mail Order Brides Work & What Is a Mail Order Bride

Foreign brides have been around for a long time, and they aren’t going anywhere. Men all over the world are realizing when it comes to marriage, a mail order bride just about guarantees the perfect relationship. After all, how can you have friction when you know the girl you’re marrying perfectly matches you? This might sound like a tall tale, but this article will show you that mail order brides is what you need for the fairy tale happy ending!
What is a mail order bride?
Mail order brides are women, typically from Asia, Eastern Europe or Latin America, who decide to find a husband living in a Western country through mail order bride services. These services specialize in connecting honest individuals with other like-minded folk. Mail order brides are usually young, self-sufficient and have finished higher education, so you’ll only find the cream of the crop on these platforms.
Mail order brides have been part and parcel of the world mail-order bride history for centuries. Though you won’t learn about this in school, mail order brides were essential to the settlement of the Western parts of North America. While we advertise our profiles on internet platforms, these folk took to newspapers to find their significant others.
What are mail order brides like?
The ladies who choose to become mail order brides are confident women who know exactly what they want from a relationship. There’s no beating around the bush with these girls. They look exotic because they’re from different corners of the world, sound beautiful, and have no trouble finding husbands. However, they choose to wait for the perfect man instead of jumping the gun. While they are eager to find their perfect husband, foreign brides are perfectly capable of looking after themselves. These girls are well-educated, and are sure to contribute to the household if you’re lucky enough to marry one.
You have to keep in my mind, this is an extremely broad generalization of mail order brides. Foreign brides from different countries will share unique quirks and mannerisms which you can read all about in reviews pertaining to their regions.
Pros and cons of mail order brides
- You’ll have common goals: Every mail order wife you talk to has the same end goal in mind. They want to settle down with the perfect spouse, and aren’t looking for a short fling. If you want to start a family, your best bet is a foreign bride.
- A traditional life: Mail order brides typically prefer to live by gender roles. This is perfect if you want a traditional family life, where the man puts bread on the table and the woman looks after the house.
- Thousands of profiles: You’ll be spoiled for choice, because there are thousands of foreign brides looking for Western men to settle down and raise families with.
- Language issues: When you’re dating a girl from a foreign country, you’ll often run into language barriers. It isn’t impossible to find mail order brides who know English, but a majority won’t speak it fluently.
- It can be costly: The process of getting a mail order bride can be expensive, depending on how long you conversate and where she lives.
Why do women become mail order brides?
A majority of foreign brides are from Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America. If you want to understand why so many women become mail order wives, consider this foreign bride 101:
- The ratio of women to men is unfavorable for them. It becomes difficult for them to find a man they like because the good ones have already been snatched up. Instead of settling for whoever they can find, these smart ladies turned their search across the globe.
- They don’t find the men of their region appealing in either looks or mentality. A lot of women from these regions are tired of the ways they’re restricted by the men, and look longingly at how Western men treat women.
- It’s a good way to settle down in a foreign nation. They’d also have the support of their husband instead of having to experience a new culture by themselves.
- Many women want to try something new. This helps them get away from the life they’re used to. Becoming a trophy wife also sounds appealing to a lot of ladies.
How do mail order brides work?
When a lady decides she wants to become a foreign bride, she has to sign up for a mail order bride service. This requires her to create a profile with pictures, a description about herself, and what she’s looking for in a husband. After, her profile will be advertised amongst other women, and men who’re interested can choose to message these profiles. In case the lady doesn’t speak English well, you can always opt to use the mail order service’s translators.
Like with any dating service, a successful relationship can only bloom from fruitful communication. If the chats between the two go well, they can decide to meet in the bride’s country. This would be the first meet, and is usually the ‘make or break’ point of the mail order marriage setup. The couple gets to know what living with each other would be like, and if they fall deeper in love, they can start laying the groundwork to getting married!
Though mail order bride scams aren’t common, especially on the large foreign bride platforms, It’s still good to educate yourself and always stay sharp.
Why do men get mail order brides?
Men get mail order brides for one of two main reasons:
- They like the mentality of foreign brides. The women from their towns don’t share the same ideologies as them, meaning the marriage would have had a lot of friction. Western men who prefer a traditional lifestyle find that their ideologies often lineup with those of women from Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America.
- They prefer the look of foreign women. While this can seem superficial, it’s hard to have a successful relationship with someone you’re not attracted to.
There are many other reasons for men to get mail order brides. Some men cannot be bothered with the chase of starting a relationship from scratch without knowing if it’ll be successful or not. Others simply want to try something new and exciting. Everyone has their own reasons, but if it ultimately leads to a happy couple, that’s all that matters.
What kind of men get mail order brides?
There’s no specific ‘type’ of men who look for mail order brides. It would be inaccurate to say only men above 40 years of age find a mail order bride, because men in their 20s do as well. Even in terms of financial class, men from the middle and upper class both equally find foreign brides. Ultimately, men who just want a ‘till death do us part’ kind of faithful, honest relationship are the guys who get mail order brides.
Do mail order marriages work?
It’s difficult to find mail order marriages that don’t work! The whole point of a mail order marriage is to find two people with the exact same plans for the future. You then work together to make that imagined future reality. For example, if you don’t want children, you wouldn’t marry a foreign bride who explicitly states that she wants to have kids. You know that it would cause friction in the relationship, and eventually a breakup. In normal relationships, talks about children and the future don’t come up until you’re already emotionally attached to each other. Of course this eventually leads to bittersweet goodbyes or even nasty fights.
In a mail order marriage, you only let yourself get emotionally attached after you know you’re both perfectly compatible. This means the chances of fights and conflicts of interests are minuscule. Ergo, mail order marriages do work.
Would a mail order marriage be the right path for me?
The answer lies in what you want from your next relationship. If you’re looking for a woman to spend the rest of your life with, raise children with(or not!), and stay faithful to, then a mail order marriage is what you want. You won’t have to deal with the heartbreak that comes hand in hand with normal relationships, and ultimately you’ll have a relationship that is happier than any normal relationship you’d have had. All this sounds great, so why hesitate now? You’re just a few clicks away from finding your happily ever after. It’s time you signed up for a mail order bride service, and find your dream foreign bride.