Do Japanese Women Like American Men More Than Local?

Yes, Japanese women love American men. There’s something each of them has that attracts the other. Girls have exotic beauty, easy disposition, an agile mind, and strong family values. Men are strong, handsome, decisive, and confident. The women adore these qualities and want a man just like that. Japanese women and American men make great couples! What’s the reason for such a success? Keep reading to know more reasons why Japanese women like American men.
Why do Japanese women like Americans?
It is even better to ask do foreign girls like American men. Generally, Americans are attractive to many foreign ladies, and women from Japan aren’t an exception. Let’s see why.

They can make women laugh
GSOH or a good sense of humor. That’s what you can often see in American men’s profiles on a variety of dating sites. And they don’t exaggerate. Guys are truly considered quite humorous and Japanese girls know it. Especially in comparison with much more reserved and conservative Japanese men.
An ability to make a woman laugh is regarded as one of the most important by Japanese girls. And it wouldn’t even matter if she’s going to be the only one bursting into laughter over your jokes while others will roll their eyes because they find it absolutely not funny. If you can crack her up, you’re doomed to succeed.
They’re emotionally intelligent
It’s crucial in every relationship for each partner to show at least some level of emotional intelligence (EI). And if you need a formula or a secret of successful dating or marriage, EI is certainly one of its components. It helps to understand and accept your partner’s emotions and feelings while being able to show and express yours.
Japanese women believe that American men are among those who also seek a complete mutual understanding in a relationship. Being on the same page with their women is significant to them. That’s one of the reasons they choose each other for a spouse.
They respect your opinion
Listening to your girlfriend or wife is more than just hearing. You need to be careful, attentive, and respectful, wanting to really know what’s on her mind or what’s bothering her. If a man thinks he’s always right and he’s always the one who should make decisions without talking to his woman, his relationship with a Japanese girl won’t last long. Yes, women in Japan, on the one hand, rely on men a lot. But they still require respect and appreciation.
Do Japanese women like American men because they know how to listen to them? As Japanese men are much more traditional in gender role issues, a lot of local girls choose American guys because they have a more advanced approach to finding a common ground in a family. Equality matters for them too.
What do Japanese women think of American men?
Here’s what Japanese mail order brides believe in when choosing American men for partners.

They’re handsome
Do Japanese girls like Americans because of the way they look? Of course, the appearance of local Japanese men and men coming from the United States is completely different. Lots of women find the way Americans look way more attractive. First, they’re higher. The average height of an American man is 175 cm, while Japanese are about 169 cm. Second, facial features. Americans have thicker eyebrows, wider jaw and in general look “more masculine” in Japanese women’s opinion.
Besides, girls like that sport culture is quite developed in the USA and many men go to the gyms, swimming pools, running, etc. It helps to keep their bodies fit. They also go mad over toned stomachs. Yes, physical attractiveness also matters to them.
They’re romantic
Japanese women like dating someone from another country because they strive to have a different dating experience. Americans are much more romantic and passionate in comparison with Japanese men. Their local boyfriends are more conservative and don’t really like all those “girlish” stuff.
But women require that all and believe they can be much happier with a partner from the United States. Americans are better at remembering details and showing how they really care about their women.
They’re good in bed
Sexual relationships are just as important as anything else like trust, love, care, and support. Intimacy brings pleasure, joy, and even fun. It unites couples and makes them closer even on the emotional level. It also improves self-confidence, helps to relieve stress. It’s a natural thing and Japanese women want to be able to openly talk about it with a partner, experiment, make sure they both enjoy it.
There’s an opinion among Japanese girls that American men are excellent in bed. Sex education is more developed in the US rather than in Japan. That’s why Americans are more confident when it comes to intimacy.

They’re understanding about women’s career and interests
Let’s put it straightforwardly, some men are quite intimidated by strong independent women. Some men don’t even want to hear about their wives getting a job or doing something else except for caring about a family and bringing up children. Japanese husbands may be quite conservative on this question too—many of them expect their spouses to stay at home and to be housewives.
That’s why so many Japanese women love American men. They want to be treated equally and feel respected when it comes to their dreams, hobbies, interests. As America is an extremely advanced country, it’s not an issue for local guys.
Do Japanese girls like American men? Undoubtedly, yes. A great number of local ladies register on dating platforms with the only purpose to find and date a guy from America. That’s why you can easily meet a pretty Eastern woman who wants to get to know your closer. Don’t lose your chance!